Homi Jehangir Bhabha

Homi Jehangir Bhabha father of Indian anuparisodhana. Who in 1909, was born in Mumbai on October 30.

He is known in nuclear physics at Cambridge University, completed a higher education. Cosmic rays have been investigated by CV Raman.

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research was founded in 1945. Was the first chairman of the Indian nuclear research organization.

Conduct research on cosmic radiation misan found in the cells. They have acquired the visvakhyati. In 1948, he was elected president of the Indian Atomic Energy Commission, carved facade of the building.
homi jehangir bhabha కోసం చిత్ర ఫలితం
 India's own nuclear field, thus relying on others to achieve self-sufficiency. Tarapur, India to build its first nuclear reactor in 1963, Bhabha reason. Plutoniyam plant was built to dazzle the world and in the next two years.

Today, the production of electricity using nuclear reactors have been designed for fast breeder technology Bhabha happen. Replied in the form of a common approach to the use of nuclear reactors in three phases.

Thorium-uranium fuel that can be found in our country is not available in India, instead of using a fuel to produce electricity by nuclear power, and was also said to be. In 1966, Bhabha died in a plane crash on 24 January.

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